We already started new year for 1433Hijri and about to celebrate 2012 in a few weeks. It's time to review our day in last year 1432Hijri while in December 2011. Reflection is a good thing. Reflection help us be aware on what we are now and will prepare ourselves to gain information and inspirations to get what we are looking for. Reflection is best done when we are mindful and relax, free from distraction and sit in quiet place.
What are the challenges and problems you are facing? In finding why you've been tested with those challenges, be sure to understand the reasons behind. Our Creator, The All Mighty Allah uses problems to DIRECT, INSPECT, CORRECT, PROTECT and PERFECT us, even when we do not recognize or understand it.
If now you use problems to:
DIRECT you - where are heading? Are you move towards your calling?
INSPECT you - what are criteria are you set to inspect on yourself?
CORRECT you - what mistakes or bad habit you want to release?
PROTECT you - what limit or boundaries are you going to set and develop?
PERFECT you - what awareness would you like to develop?
Which one will you use to transform you?